I tested positive for COVID and couldn’t stop smiling! How weird…

I tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday. The moment I got the ‘dreaded’ sms, there was a flurry of activity and emotions. 

My 7 year old started crying since she thought I was a goner. 

My 10 year old one went through all stages of ‘grief’ in those 5 minutes — she first refused to believe it was true and checked my phone several times to see if I was lying, then she got angry with me and screamed at me for getting the virus, she then begged me to get tested again, she shouted that her life is over since she can’t meet her friends, and finally accepted it by asking ‘Can we play an online game now?’

Lucy, my dog, was barking continuously. At some unrelated noise outside the door. 

My mother called me and screamed at me saying it is all my fault. Why? Because I mentioned to her earlier that day, ’I have a feeling I will test positive’. So obviously I brought it upon myself.

My husband suddenly moved 10 feet away, wore a mask and asked me to isolate myself. This – after I roamed freely around the house for 4 days when I actually had worse symptoms. 

As for me, I had a big grin on my face. I felt a strange mix of happiness and guilt. Isolation would mean carefree me-time, writing time, binge-watching show time! Plus I was physically feeling good. This could be good for me, I thought. No maids, no help at home? Well, not my problem, is it?

The next morning was blissful. I was free from household work, free from waking up the kids and getting them ready for school, free to do whatever I wanted – in the confines of my room. I wrote my morning pages without interruption. I made content for my Instagram page, without interruption. I opened up an old, unfinished blog post and finished it, without interruption. I opened a old story I wrote and edited it, without interruption. Does this what Atul’s work-life feels like, I wondered. I felt productive and powerful. 

Soon enough, I was dragged back to earth by a knock. It was my husband, requesting me to end my isolation. The mountain of vessels wasn’t going to wash itself, was it? 

My Covid ‘Honeymoon’ came to an abrupt end. 

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